So we decided to join Mummy and him.
On our way there , BB was ranting hw come they
never to pick him up ... He wants to sit in the Red Van or issit lorry
Anyway we were there ard 6.30pm
We decided to go KFC for dinner, luckily if we were late by 5mins we might not be able
to eat our cheapest dinner @ the Zoo
They shut down the kitchen after we ordered and started cleaning up .
We rush in for the 8.30pm slot Anima show
Had to start queuing at 8pm and waited at least 40mins before the show began
*Sian Sian*
BB was covering his ear throughout the animal show as he hates the noise
but his eyes were wide open for the show anyway it wasn't that spectacular at all ...
I remembered when i was young all i see at the night safari was
mouse deers and otter and porcupine & its the same now as well
I didn't complaint then because i was young and the entrance fees
was paid my Daddy then ..
The only thing i loved at Night Safari,
was the buffet, stingray and satay
but now the price of the food and drinks can kill u
Unless u're a tourist ... i would suggest u eat at the
Food Court or Hawker before going
and pls pls bring along ur own water bottle ...
BB at his cutest,
The moment he saw this Orangutan he shouted :-
Mummy started laughing so loudly that almost everyone in there was
looking at us ... * Paiseh*
I didn't take many pictures as the zoo forbids us to use flashes
thus no point wasting my camera battery.
For me i wouldn't go Night Safari again even there's a free passs .
Hate the mosquito and everything that concerns $$$$$$
The Tram is unreasonably expensive , its a whopping $10/adult and $5/kids
If u hvn't been there before ... u can give it a shot and take a ride on the tram
ard the zoo to experience the scenery @ night ...
But since i've been on that EXPENSIVE TRAM for at least 4 times, I give it a miss
this time ...
Till date no more Zoo for me this year ..