So i was assigned a task
Bring Ashley home for a sleepover party .
We decided to meet up at Vivo so it will be easier for the both of
them to proceed to the hotel after dropping Ashley with us
BB was ready and excited abt the sleepover party & was hurrying us to leave the hse
We rush to Vivo and pick up our Princess at 3.30pm & brought them to the children's
play area. They were having lots of fun especially at the swing area
The kids were taking turns to go on the swing while the other will turn.
As they were changing shift, two kids ran over and went onto the swing .
Little Princess was so mad that she stood there and stared and them .
Of cos HB the beng went over and said :-
Why? what happen? tell 姨丈 ....
HB was staring at the two kids as well .... while i guess they got the message and ran off.
So it was a Happy Ending for the kids as they continued playing for another 30mins on the SWING
We proceed to Burger King after the playground for snacks
Had Fries , Ice-cream and onion rings
The kids were happily munching away their fries & laughing so loudly
when either one did a silly action that the whole BK was looking at us.
We walked around Vivo after that
Went Toy'r'us where the kids enjoyed themselves and later we took a stroll at the open platform area of Vivo
BB was so excited to show Ashley his favorite Cable cars, monorail tram and Tiger Sky
Then it was time for dinner .
We had dinner arrangement with our friends as well for Steamboat Buffet.
After i fed them their dinner , they were self-entertaining themselves
and having lots of fun.
Stacking the chairs in the restaurant and pretending to build their castles ...
We were able to enjoy our dinner while they were in their imaginary world.
Mummy and Kenny even came over to see the kids
Soon it was time to go .. both were tired and exhausted from a day's outing.
The moment we got onto the car .
Ashley doze off immediately.
She slept with us that night and kick HB many times (hahahaha) with her 360 degree
karate kick moves .
The next morning the kids woke up had their breakfast, shower and insisted
on finishing Enchanted before heading to Gong gong's house .
I had an eventful day myself taking care of 2 rascals . Overall they were very obedient when
DADDY is not around.
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